The Australian business number (ABN) was introduced on 1 July 200 and is operated by the Australian Tax Office. The ABN is a a unique 11 digit Australian Business number identifier. which is issued by the Australian Business Register.
There is no requirement for a sole trader to have an ABN.
Who needs an ABN
- Businesses with GST turnover of $75,000 or more must register for GST and need an ABN to do this
- Non-profit organisations with GST turnover of $150,000 or more must register for GST and need an ABN to do this
- Entities seeking to be endorsed as a deductible gift recipient need an ABN to obtain that status
- Charities seeking exemption from income tax need an ABN.
Other eligible entities may choose to register for an ABN:
- Companies registered under the Corporations Law
- Business entities carrying on an enterprise
- Trustees of self-managed superannuation funds should obtain an ABN for the fund.
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